I've been doing the Morgantown Baker's Ridge rides this year to get myself ready for the season. It's a few hours of good effort but it's also just a fun ride. I have fun on the trails though with the nasty wind storm we had a few weeks ago, the trails have alot more trees down on them. It does make for a bit tougher time but you just have to deal with it. I like the off-road in this weather. You can work as hard as you want, even break a good sweat and not get nasty cold because your speed doesn't go up that much. It's a good break from the hard training regimented days where you go out with a plan that you are going to do this and that to get ready for the Tour de big race. I'm carrying a few more pounds than I'd like to be but it's coming down finally and I might actually be able to make some headway on it this year and get back towards my race weight which I've been over by around 20lbs for the past how many years. If I could even get half way, I'd be competitive in most any race I'd enter this year. It's tough hauling around what amounts to a couple gallons of milk around, especially when the road goes up. I really gotta put the donuts down and get to the matter at hand finally.

Note the wool gloves. These are the best things to have in this weather. Wet, dry, whatever, your hands still stay warm.
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