Thursday, July 17, 2008

When, when, when are they going to learn?

Jeeezuss, what is wrong with people? I can't believe that Saunier Duval just got tossed from the tour because of Ricco testing positive for a new form of EPO. Did he get dropped on his head at an early age? You have to be a total and complete dumb-ass to be doing taking anything, especially during the Tour when they are extra vigilant about this sort of behavior. It's great to win a race, but to do it knowing that you won because you had a bit of 'help'. I don't see the draw unless you just like people cheering your name. Well, I like it too, but I refuse to take a win under those circumstances. I've had them taken away from me under crappy circumstances and have also been the benefactor of decisions that gave me a win. While winning under a technicality isn't the best of wins, it's better than winning by not playing in the same field as others. I imagine Sylvain Chavenal and Thomas Voeckler might've pushed themselves a bit more when the more serious climbing started if they were able to keep up with de la Fuente(guilt only by association, i know). With a few more points than they have now, they theoretically could be back in the hunt for the mountain jersey now rather than being also rans in this competition. I know of a good way to deal with this - Mob justice! Put the team back in the race and let everyone know that these guys have been stealing from you and that it's ok to take action against them. Nothing like a bit of self policing to make sure everyone keeps things above board. It's just like in the military. When someone causes a problem in a unit, generally the whole unit suffers. This is true whether it is just in training or actual combat. The unit as a whole than takes the necessary steps to make sure the 'problem' is solved. Hmmmm, it's probably a good idea that I'm not in control of the disciplinary committee in the sport or anywhere else for that matter.

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