Tuesday, July 22, 2008
and the Poor Dumb Bastard award for the day goes to...
Thursday, July 17, 2008
When, when, when are they going to learn?
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
More politics!

I really have to stop reading so much and watching the news in the morning. If I had one of those squeezie balls that are supposed to relieve tension, I'd have turned it into dust this morning. Between a local politician getting off the hook for commiting perjury, as well as his kid getting off for allegedly killing his neighbor(the neighbor was determined to have commited suicide - just like Vince Foster), and then the national debates on drilling for oil and the presidential election pandering, my head is ready to explode. I turned to my usual source for humor in these situations and damn if they didn't have the poster which fit this situation. I really have to buy a few things from the folks at despair.com
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Chili Day
Monday, July 14, 2008
Trigger shy
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
The bridge too far
Friday, July 4, 2008
First win of the year - Finally!
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Celebrate This!
On another little rant, with oil prices spiraling out of control and people grumbling about how it's just too expensive to do anything, take a moment and google Gull Island. Do a bit or reseach on ANWR. It's looking more and more like the oil markets are becoming much like the diamond markets in the world. Why is the oil so expensive? Because they want it that way. We could be running around with gas that costs about a buck a gallon, even with the increased demand and not be dealing with shortages. As for global warming and the increase in 'greenhouse gasses' from cars, well, do the math. How much extra gas do we have to burn in order to be able to match the original gas when you take into account for the catalytic converter and the reformulated gas. It all comes to about a wash on that account, but forces us to spend an additional $1000 or more per car for the converter, then buying the extra gas for it and the reformulated fuel. We're burning about 10-15% more fuel to get the same result and we also get to have the platinum oxide in the air now too! Give me a car with properly operating Oxygen sensors, and I'll show you a car that will emit the same level or less pollutants than the one with the catalytic converter. The increased gas usage also provides the state and federal government with the additional tax revenues which in PA account for about 51 cents a gallon. Hmmm, I think there are a few million cars in PA that use on average a couple gallons of gas a day. So if we are burning about 5 million gallons(I think we're burning more than this amount though) of gas a day in the state, we are pulling down $2.5Mil a day in taxes. Times 365 and that comes to $912.5Mil a year in taxes. If you drop consumption by 10-15% of that, that's a nice hefty chunk out of State and Fed budgets. Do that over the 50 states, and someone will be bitching when their pork project gets the ax. In the end, it does all end up being about control. Governments used to pass laws about how their people moved about the countries. In this country, laws like that would go over like the proverbial 'fart in church'. So subtlety is required. I'm looking at this as kind of a modern method of saying 'stay in your village, peasant'. I could be paranoid though. I better check and make sure the tin foil hat is properly fastened.