Friday, February 29, 2008

Vorwärts und aufwärts

Onward and upward. I always liked this phrase. It ranks right up there with 'Uben macht den meister'- 'practice makes the master'. It certainly applies to my current position in life. The California project is a go and we will hoping to be starting actual work on it with the next week or two. I and my partners are totally stoked. We just need to be able to get all the T's crossed and I's dotted. I think we are being giving a great amount of trust here and we are fully intending to make sure the customer gets a super return on it. We might not become rich on it, but the magnitude of the work and the environment that we'll be in will certainly be a big change to what I normally deal with in the mundane world of computer consulting. I'll also be racking up the frequent flyer miles this year. In a week or so, I'll be flying out to Portland, Oregon where today it was nice, sunny and 60 degrees out. One of my partners there was laughing at me as I told him I was driving through blizzard like conditions today before a phone conference we had today. He rode in to work with just bikeshorts and a jersey. Punk! I'll be leaving a bike out there just to make life simpler. Anyone with any Campy Chorus or Record stuff from the past couple years who wants to dump it off, get in touch. I need to get my new frame built up.

One thing that was a bummer, was for a second week in a row, my race got canceled. I've been itching to test myself against the 1s and 2s in ohio to see how I fair. The last race I did a few weeks ago, I felt like I was clubbing a baby seal since I got in late for the 123s to go off and had to go in a lower category at these races than I usually do. I've been on that border line area of being a good 3, but not quite there to feel comfortable to upgrade to a 2. It does give me alot of flexibility for racing though. I can race the 3s if I feel like living dangerously, the 123s if I'm feeling really good, and then the masters races which often lets me double up on the day. Being 40+ now even gives me the choice of 4 different races on many occasions so I can pick and choose. On a few occasions, I've even done a third race, but usually that race would wind up being the bridge too far for me. Something about doing 80 miles of criterium racing, I guess. I've also been looking at the calendar for mountain biking this year and it will be a busy one. It looks like I'll have 13 or 14 mountain bike races this year, up from 10 this year. Add that to 50+ road events and the 18-20 cross races I've been doing the last few years and it makes for quite a season.

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